The Invoices table contains both Sales and Bills (aka Purchase) Invoices, as well as any respective credit notes.
Amounts are signed so that they can be summed to create totals. Positive amounts are income and negative amounts are used for expenses.
Invoices provide a rich view of the financial transactions with Customers and Suppliers but because they don't hold all financial transactions (for example Salary and Tax) you will not see all financial data working with Invoices alone.
Invoice Amounts
To make reporting easier and provide access to Invoice line descriptions, product codes and amounts without needing to switch between an invoice header record and invoice details, a record is returned for every Invoice Line of the Invoice.
The Invoice Due, Credited, Paid, Net, Remaining, Gross, Tax and their reporting currency equivalents, are split proportionately for the Invoice across all Invoice lines.
This may not be immediately obvious in Power BI if, for example, you pull out the Net Amount and Invoice Number, because Power BI automatically sum amounts.
No need to worry about Tax Exclusive or Inclusive
If you've previously worked with raw Xero data, you'll have had to cope with the conversion of the two different Invoice representations; either exclusive or tax or inclusive.
Don't worry. We've done that so you don't need to.
Forecasting with Repeating Invoices
To simplify the forecasting of future sales or bills, Connectorly automatically creates Invoice records for any repeating invoices according to their schedule that is yet to be created, up to three years in the future (or until the end date that is set).
These invoices are distinguished by a Status of FORECAST, which joins the Xero values of AUTHORISED, DRAFT, PAID and SUBMITTED.
Multi Currency Xero Support
As well as providing the Net, Tax and Gross values of the original Invoice or Credit Note, values for your chosen Reporting Currency are calculated. These are signified by (RC) after their name.
If you are working with Xero data from multiple organisations or even from a single multi-currency Xero, use the Reporting Currency (RC) values for any calculations, to avoid adding amounts that are in different currencies.
Data Dictionary
Field | Type | Notes |
Account Code | Text | Account Code |
Account Name | Text | Account Name |
Address Line 2 | Text | Address Line2 |
Amount Credited | Number | The Amount of any credit notes applied to the invoice in the currency the Invoice was transacted in. |
Amount Credited (RC) | Number | The Amount of any credit notes applied to the invoice in the reporting currency. |
Amount Due | Number | The Amount still due in the currency the Invoice was transacted in. |
Amount Due (RC) | Number | The Amount still due in the reporting currency. |
Amount Paid | Number | The Amount paid in the currency the Invoice was transacted in. |
Amount Paid (RC) | Number | The Amount paid in the reporting currency. |
Attention To | Text | Attention To |
Connection Name | Text | The name of the Connection. Typically the name of the Xero Organisation. |
Contact ID | Text | The unique identifier for the Contact. This is guaranteed to be unique within a Xero Organisation. |
Contact Name | Text | The name of the Contact (Supplier or Customer). |
Currency Rate | Number | The FX Rate used to calculate the Reporting Currency Amounts. Rates are taken as the closing rates as reporting by the ECB on the invoice date. |
Data current as of | Datetime | When the Data was taken from Xero. |
Description | Text | The Invoice Line Description. |
Due Date | Text | The date the Invoice is due for Payment by. |
Expected Payment Date | Text | Uses the Xero Planned Payment Date if one exists. If not it is calculated based on the Average Days to pay for the Contact or if this is the first invoice or bill, the Due Date. |
Fully Paid On Date | Text | The date on which the Invoice was fully paid. |
Gross Amount | Number | The Gross Amount in the invoice currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts and can be summed across all invoice line items.. |
Gross Amount (RC) | Number | The Gross Amount in the reporting currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts. |
Internal URL | Text | A deeplink to the internal URL of the Invoice in Xero - use this to get to the Xero details screen for the invoice (or credit note). |
Invoice Date | Text | The date of the invoice. Also known as the Tax Point date. |
Invoice Number | Text | Invoice Number |
Invoice Type | Text | From Xero.\n\n\n{ACCPAY', 'ACCPAYCREDIT', 'ACCREC', 'ACCRECCREDIT}\n\n\nACCPAY are Bills (or Purchase) Invoices\nACCREC are Sales Invoices.\n\n\nTypes ending CREDIT are Credit notes for the respective prefixes. |
Is Discounted | Boolean | True if the invoice has been discounted. |
Last Updated | Text | When the Invoice was created or updated last. |
Line Amount | Number | Line Amount |
Line Amount Type | Text | Line Amount Types |
Line Item ID | Text | Line Item ID |
Net Amount | Number | The Net Amount in the invoice currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts and can be summed across all invoice line items. |
Net Amount (RC) | Number | The Net Amount in the reporting currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts. |
Planned Payment Date | Text | The date, entered in Xero, when an Invoice or Bill is Planned for Payment. |
Product Code | Text | Item Code |
Quantity | Number | The number of items/products on the Invoice Line Item. |
Reference | Text | The Invoice Reference often holds a Purchase Order number. |
Remaining Past 0D | Number | The amount (in the invoice currency) of an Invoice that is past the Due Date. |
Remaining Past 30D | Number | The amount (in the invoice currency) of an Invoice that is 30 days past the Due Date. |
Remaining Past 60D | Number | The amount (in the invoice currency) of an Invoice that is 60 days past the Due Date. |
Remaining Past 90D | Number | The amount (in the invoice currency) of an Invoice that is 90 days past the Due Date. |
Remaining Past Due | Number | The amount (in the invoice currency) of an Invoice that is overdue. |
Reporting Currency | Number | The ISO 3 letter code of the Reporting Currency. |
Sent To Contact | Boolean | True if the Invoice has been sent to the Contact |
Tax Amount | Number | The Tax Amount in the invoice currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts and can be summed across all invoice line items.. |
Tax Amount | Number | The Tax amount of the Invoice in the currency it was transacted in. |
Tax Amount (RC) | Number | The Tax Amount in the reporting currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts. |
Tax Type | Text | From Xero.\ne.g. {'EXEMPTINPUT', 'INPUT2', 'NONE', 'OUTPUT2', 'RRINPUT'} |
Tracking Category 0 | Text | |
Tracking Category 1 | Text | |
Tracking Option 0 | Text | Tracking Options are concatenated with the Tracking Category e.g. '[Tracking Category 0] - [Tracking Option 0]' |
Tracking Option 1 | Text | Tracking Options are concatenated with the Tracking Category e.g. '[Tracking Category 1] - [Tracking Option 1]' |
Transaction Currency | Text | The ISO 3 letter code of the Invoice transaction currency. |
Unit Amount | Number | The Unit Amount in the invoice currency. Note that Xero Invoice data is normalised to provide Net Amounts, Gross Amounts and Tax Amounts and can be summed across all invoice line items. |
Unit Amount | Number | The Unit Line Amount in the transaction currency. |