Data Dictionary
Field | Type | Notes |
Additional Emails | Text | |
Address | Text | |
Archived | Boolean | True if the Contact has been archived |
CCO ID | Integer | The Connectorly Connection ID. If you group Connectorly's together, then you will see a CCO ID for each one. Organisations has the corresponding Connection Name for each CCO ID. |
City | Text | |
Company ID | Number | Associatedcompanyid |
Company Name | Text | Company |
Contact Name | Text | |
Country | Text | |
Created | Datetime | |
Created By | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that created the record. |
Created Date | Date | Created |
Data current as of | Datetime | Gives the date and time that this record was taken from HubSpot. |
Date Of Birth | Text | |
Text | ||
Email Domain | Text | |
First Name | Text | |
Gender | Text | |
Job Title | Text | Jobtitle |
Language | Text | |
Last Name | Text | |
Lead Status | Text | |
Link | Text | |
Marital Status | Text | |
Mobile Number | Text | Mobilephone |
Phone Number | Text | Phone |
Pipeline | Text | |
Postal Code | Text | Zip |
Relationship Status | Text | |
Salutation | Text | |
State | Text | |
Timezone | Text | |
Updated | Datetime | The date and time that the record was updated. |
Updated By | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that updated the record. |
Updated Date | Date | The date that a record was updated. This is useful so you can create a relationship with the Dates table, and analyze data over days, weeks, months and so on. |
Website | Text | |
Work Email | Text |