Data Dictionary
Field | Type | Notes |
Allowed Payment Methods | Text | |
Amount | Number | Quote Amount |
Approver ID | Integer | |
Archived | Boolean | True if the Quote has been archived |
Associated Companies | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Company ID and Association Type of any Companies associated with this record. |
Associated Contacts | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Contact ID and Association Type of any Contacts associated with this record. |
Associated Deals | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Deal ID and Association Type of any Deals associated with this record. |
Comments | Text | |
Connection Name | Text | The name of the Connection. Typically the name of the HubSpot Organisation. |
Created | Datetime | The date and time that the record was created. |
Created By | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that created the record. Find related details in the Owners table. |
Created Date | Date | The date that the record was created. This is useful so you can create a relationship with the Dates table, and analyze data over days, weeks, months and so on. |
Currency | Text | |
Data current as of | Datetime | Gives the date and time that this record was taken from HubSpot. |
Esign Date | Date | |
Esign Enabled | Boolean | |
Expiration Date | Date | |
External Link | Text | The public link to the Quote - available to those that have been given access. |
External Link Key | Text | The key that is needed to access the quote from the External Link |
Internal Link | Text | The link to the Quote record - only available to those that have access to HubSpot. |
Language | Text | |
Locale | Text | |
Logo Link | Text | Logo URL |
Manually Signed | Text | |
Owner ID | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that owns/is responsible for the record. Not necessarily the same as the Created By Owner ID. Find related details in the Owners table. |
PDF Download Link | Text | Pdf Download Link |
Payment Date | Datetime | |
Payment Enabled | Text | |
Payment Status | Text | |
Payment Type | Text | |
Primary Company ID | Integer | If one exists, the Company ID for the primary Company associated with this record. Find related details in the Companies table. |
Primary Contact ID | Integer | If one exists, the Contact ID for the primary Contact associated with this record. There may not be any associated Contact. Find related details in the Contacts table. |
Primary Deal ID | Integer | If one exists, the Deal ID for the primary Deal associated with this record. Find related details in the Deals table. |
Quote ID | Integer | HubSpot's unique ID for the Quote. |
Quote Number | Text | |
Sender Company Domain | Text | |
Sender Company Name | Text | |
Sender Email | Text | |
Sender First Name | Text | Sender Firstname |
Sender Image Link | Text | Sender Image URL |
Sender Last Name | Text | Sender Lastname |
Sender Name | Text | |
Status | Text | |
Template Type | Text | |
Terms | Text | |
Timezone | Text | |
Title | Text | |
Updated | Datetime | The date and time that the record was updated. |
Updated By | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that updated the record. |
Updated Date | Date | The date that the record was updated. This is useful so you can create a relationship with the Dates table, and analyze data over days, weeks, months and so on. |