Organisations holds data on the Xero Organisation. You have one record per Connectorly. If you group Connectorly's together, then you will have details on each Xero Organisation that is grouped together.
Data Dictionary
Field | Type | Notes |
Addresses Array | json | A JSON array of addresses associated with the Organisation. |
Base Currency | Text | The currency that organisation operates with and financial reports are reported in. |
Class | Text | Class |
Connection Name | Text | The name of the Connection. Typically the name of the Xero Organisation. |
Country Code | Text | The Organisation's legally registered Country Code. |
Data current as of | Datetime | When the Data was taken from Xero. |
Default Purchases Tax | Text | Default Purchases Tax |
Default Sales Tax | Text | Default Sales Tax |
Edition | Text | Edition |
End Of Year Lock Date | Date | End Of Year Lock Date |
External Links Array | json | A JSON array of external URLs associated with the Organisation. |
Financial Year End Day | Integer | Financial Year End Day |
Financial Year End Month | Integer | Financial Year End Month |
Is Demo Company | Boolean | True if this is a demo company. |
Legal Name | Text | Legal Name |
Line Of Business | Text | Line Of Business |
Name | Text | Name |
Organisation Entity Type | Text | Organisation Entity Type |
Organisation ID | Text | Organisation ID |
Organisation Type | Text | Organisation Type |
Pays Tax | Boolean | Pays Tax |
Period Lock Date | Date | Period Lock Date |
Phones Array | json | A JSON array of phone numbers associated with the Organisation. |
Registration Number | Text | Registration Number |
Sales Payment Terms Day | Number | Sales Payment Terms Day |
Sales Payment Terms Type | Text | Sales Payment Terms Type |
Sales Tax Basis | Text | Sales Tax Basis |
Sales Tax Period | Text | Sales Tax Period |
Short Code | Text | Short Code |
Status | Text | Organisation Status |
Tax Number | Text | e.g. in the UK or New Zealand, the VAT number; in Australia, the GST number and so on. |
Version | Text | The version of Xero that is subscribed to. |