Data Dictionary
Field | Type | Notes |
Amount | Number | The Amount in the Currency of the Deal |
Amount (RC) | Number | The amount of the deal in the home currency for HubSpot (eg the primary currency) |
Archived | Boolean | True if the Deal has been archived |
Associated Companies | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Company ID and Association Type of any Companies associated with this record. |
Associated Contacts | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Contact ID and Association Type of any Contacts associated with this record. |
Associated Deals | JSON | A JSON array that holds the Deal ID and Association Type of any Deals associated with this record. |
Campaign | Text | |
Closed Amount | Number | The Closed Amount in the Currency of the Deal |
Closed Amount (RC) | Number | Closed Amount In Home Currency |
Closed Lost Reason | Text | |
Closed Won Count | Integer | |
Closed Won Date | Date | |
Connection Name | Text | The name of the Connection. Typically the name of the HubSpot Organisation. |
Created | Datetime | The date and time that the record was created. |
Created By | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that created the record. Find related details in the Owners table. |
Created Date | Date | The date that the record was created. This is useful so you can create a relationship with the Dates table, and analyze data over days, weeks, months and so on. |
Currency | Text | Deal Currency Code |
Currency Rate | Number | The rate used to convert between the Deal currency and the home currency. |
Data current as of | Datetime | Gives the date and time that this record was taken from HubSpot. |
Days To Close | Integer | The number of days between the Deal Created Date and Close Won Date |
Deal ID | Integer | HubSpot's unique ID for the Deal. |
Deal Name | Text | Dealname |
Deal Type | Text | Dealtype |
Description | Text | |
Discount Amount | Number | |
Forecast Amount | Number | |
Forecast Close Date | Date | Closedate |
Forecast Probability | Number | |
Internal Link | Text | The link to the Deal record - only available to those that have access to HubSpot. |
Is Closed | Boolean | |
Is Closed Won | Boolean | |
Manual Forecast Category | Text | |
Next Step | Text | |
Number Of Line Items | Integer | The numner of line items that have been associated with the Deal |
Order Number | Text | |
Owner ID | Integer | The Owner ID of the person that owns/is responsible for the record. Not necessarily the same as the Created By Owner ID. Find related details in the Owners table. |
Pipeline | Text | |
Predicted Amount | Number | The Predicted Amount in the Currency of the Deal |
Predicted Amount (RC) | Number | Predicted Amount In Home Currency |
Primary Company ID | Integer | If one exists, the Company ID for the primary Company associated with this record. Find related details in the Companies table. |
Primary Contact ID | Integer | If one exists, the Contact ID for the primary Contact associated with this record. There may not be any associated Contact. Find related details in the Contacts table. |
Primary Deal ID | Integer | If one exists, the Deal ID for the primary Deal associated with this record. Find related details in the Deals table. |
Priority | Text | |
Projected Amount | Number | |
Projected Amount (RC) | Number | Projected Amount In Home Currency |
Stage | Text | e.g. {appointmentscheduled, closedlost, closedwon, decisionmakerboughtin, presentationscheduled, qualifiedtobuy} |
Stage Probability | Number | The probability of the deal based on the pipeline stage. This is taken from the the pipeline stage and associated probability; e.g. 0.40 |
Tag IDs | Text | Tag Ids |
Tax Amount | Number | |
Updated | Datetime | The date and time that the record was updated. |
Updated Date | Date | The date that the record was updated. This is useful so you can create a relationship with the Dates table, and analyze data over days, weeks, months and so on. |